Add indicator measure “other” to the codelist


Schema Object

Type of Change
Add a code to the codelist

Some indicators can be expressed as numerical values but are not units or percentages. Most notable example: scales. At the moment, these can only be added by misrepresenting them as either units or percentages.

Since there are different types of scales and perhaps other types of quantitative indicators as well, adding a generic category “other” allows to stop misrepresenting the type of measure.

Standards Day
Not in the list


Comments (4)

IATI Technical Team
IATI Technical Team

There will be some consultation calls in early July for any 2.03 proposals where people would like to discuss them further - if you would like to discuss this proposal on one of the calls please ‘Like’ this IATI tech team post by end of Mon 26 June - you can do this by clicking the heart symbol to the bottom right hand side of this message.

Further details on the calls are available in the ‘How to participate’ topic.

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