As part of the 2.03 IATI standard upgrade consultation there was consensus for the need to allow different aid modalities. As a result, an AidType vocabulary attribute was added to version 2.03 of the IATI Standard.

With version 2.03 going live on 19th of February, we are now putting forward a proposal for two new codes to the AidType Vocabulary codelist. While we are aware that a proposal has been shared at WP- STAT by @OJ_ to make changes to the current OECD DAC codelist to align and meet the Grand Bargain commitment, the earliest that any changes can be approved is June 2018. As such, we felt the need to put forward the below proposal for two new codes to the AidTypeVocabulary codelist.

Code: 2
Name: Earmarking Category
URL: Derived from Annex I of Grand Bargain definitions

Code: 3
Name: Earmarking Modality
URL: Codes A to L replicated directly from Annex I of Grand Bargain definitions


Proposed guidelines:

  • All activities and/or transactions should contain a code from the AidType vocabulary specified. It is strongly recommended that AidTypeVocabulary 1- OECD DAC is used. Additional vocabularies should be used only where appropriate.

  • If AidType Vocabulary is omitted, then IATI assumes an AidTypeVocabulary of 1 - OECD DAC.

This is a proposal for additions to the AidType Vocabulary codelist which is a non-embedded codelist. Please add any comments in here by next Wednesday 14th of March. Following response from the community the new AidType Vocabulary codes will be added within a week.

Comments (3)

Herman van Loon
Herman van Loon

Since core funding (OECD/DAC aid modalities B01 and B02) is by definition unearmarked, I suggest the addition of the following rule:

If the OECD/AID modality is B01 (Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes) or B02 (Core contributions to multilateral institutions)

  1. the Earmarking Category must be ‘Unearmarked’ (code 1) and
  2. the Earmarking Modality must be code A (Fully flexible core contribution)or B (Fully flexible core contribution to the CERF) or C (Core contribution).

This rule will make sure that the aid modality publication is consistent between the OECD/DAC and the Grand Bargain definitions.

Ole Jacob (OJ) Hjøllund
Ole Jacob (OJ) Hjøllund

Breaking news from today’s wp-stat meeting is that the desired change to the definition of the ‘softly earmarked’ modality B03 is approved. This means that the same types of organisations, to which core support is reportable as either B01 or B02, are covered by the standard for reporting of the softly earmarked sections of their budgets.
This paves the way, not just for an important part of the monitoring of the grand bargain commitment on reduced earmarking, but also for a set of improvements to the IATI standard - which I will draft as soon as possible, and submit to the rigid review of the community… hopefully in time for us to work it over and reach agreement in Kathmandu.

Yohanna  Loucheur
Yohanna Loucheur

Would suggest a small change to Herman’s proposed rule (which is rather a guideline) to reflect the fact that these additional codelists won’t be used by all (especially the Modality one, since it is not required under the Grand Bargain):

Image removed. Herman:

If the OECD/AID modality is B01 (Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes) or B02 (Core contributions to multilateral institutions):

  1. If used, the Earmarking Category must be ‘Unearmarked’ (code 1)
  2. If used, the Earmarking Modality must be code A (Fully flexible core contribution)or B (Fully flexible core contribution to the CERF) or C (Core contribution).

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