The IATI Dashboard contains a metric for provision of the Budget element in Comprehensiveness.

For the hierarchy which contains the greatest number of budgets, the percentage of all current activities that contain at least one valid budget entry. A valid budget entry must contain a valid period-start AND a valid period-end AND a valid value AND a valid value-date.

In 2.03 a new attribute was introduce @budget-not-provided:

A code indicating the reason why this activity does not contain any iati-activity/budget elements. The value must exist in the BudgetNotProvided codelist.

The question therefore - do activities with the @budget-not-provided attribute get omitted from the Dashboard budget metric?

Comments (1)

Andy Lulham
Andy Lulham

do activities with the @budget-not-provided attribute get omitted from the Dashboard budget metric?

The answer at present is: No.

There are two relevant github issues:

More generally: There are other outstanding issues regarding the v2.03 upgrade. Some of these relate to the standard itself (e.g. [1]; [2]; possibly others). It would be great to fully review the remaining issues, and set a timeline for resolving these issues.

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