This issue was originally added and originally discussed on the previous version IATI Standard Upgrade forum. However that forum has itself now itself moved to the IATI Discuss platform so this topic has been created in order that discussions can continue here.

Comments (1)

Herman van Loon
Herman van Loon

One of the elements in the original proposal was to add 5 new flow types:

Humanitarian assistance
Peacekeeping operations
Technical cooperation
Normative, treaty-related and knowledge creation activities
Other flows

I doubt that the flow-type element should be used for this classification, since flow-type is meant as a high level classification defining the ‘ruleset’ under which a financial flow is governed (ODA, OOF, Private flows, etc.).

When looking at the attribute values above, I notice these values seem to be more comparable to the OECD DAC Table 1 ‘Aid type’:

Aid type
I.A. Bilateral Official Development Assistance by types of aid (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)
I.A.1. Budget support
I.A.1.1. General budget support
I.A.1.2. Sector budget support
I.A.2. Bilateral core contributions & pooled programmes & funds
I.A.2.1. Core support to NGOs, other priv. bodies, PPPs & research institutes
I.A.2.1.a. Core support to donor country-based NGOs & civil society
I.A.2.1.b. Core support to international NGOs (including developing country-based NGOs)
I.A.2.1.c. Core support to Public-Private Partnerships (including networks)
I.A.2.1.d. Other
I.A.2.2. Specific-purpose programmes & funds managed by int’l org.
I.A.2.3. Basket funds/pooled funding
I.A.3. Project-type interventions
I.A.3.1. Investment projects
I.A.3.2. Other projects
Memo: Projects qualifying as programme-based approaches
Memo: Cost of donor experts included in projects (optional reporting)
I.A.4. Experts and other technical assistance
I.A.4.1. Donor personnel
I.A.4.2. Other technical assistance
I.A.5. Scholarships and student costs in donor countries
I.A.5.1. Scholarships/training in donor country
I.A.5.2. Imputed student costs
I.A.6. Debt relief
I.A.6.1. Debt forgiveness and debt rescheduling
I.A.6.1.a. ODA claims (for loans, only capitalised interest)
I.A.6.1.b. OOF claims
I.A.6.1.c. Private claims
I.A.6.1. Memo: Grants for debt service reduction
I.A.6.2. Other action on debt
I.A.6.2.a. Service payments to third parties
I.A.6.2.b. Debt conversion
I.A.6.2.c. Debt buybacks
I.A.6.2.d. Other
I.A.7. Administrative costs not included elsewhere
I.A.8. Other in-donor expenditures
I.A.8.1. Development awareness
I.A.8.2. Refugees in donor countries
Memo: Programme-based approaches (PBAs)
Memo: Free-standing technical co-operation (FTC)
Memo: ODA channelled through private entities
Memo: ODA channelled through multilateral organisations
Memo: Post-conflict peacebuilding operations
Memo: Relief food aid
I.A.11. Other ODA not assigned to the above categories (historical series)
hist: development food aid
hist: humanitarian aid grants
I.B. Multilateral Official Development Assistance (capital subscriptions are included with grants)
I.B.1. Multilateral contributions to:
I.B.1.1. UN agencies
I.B.1.2. EU institutions
I.B.1.3. IDA
I.B.1.4. Other World Bank (IBRD, IFC, MIGA)
Memo: World Bank, Total (I.B.1.3. + I.B.1.4.)
I.B.1.5. Regional development banks
I.B.1.6. Global Environment Facility (96%)
I.B.1.7. Montreal Protocol
I.B.1.8. Other agencies
I.B.2. Recoveries on multilateral ODA grants and capital subscriptions / negative commitments
Memo: HIPC Initiative
Memo: IDA Debt Reduction Facility
II.A.1.2. Support to national private exporters
V.1. Total participation in peacebuilding operations (incl. non-ODA)
I.A.3.1. Investment projects, of which equities
I.A.6.3. Offsetting entry for debt forgiveness (principal ODA claim)
I.A.6.3. Memo: Offsetting entry for forgiven interest (interest ODA claim)
I.A.9. Recoveries on bilateral ODA grants / negative commitments
I.A.10. Other loans repayments
II.A. Other Official Bilateral Flows
II.A.1. Export-related transactions
II.A.1.1. Official export credits to developing countries
II.A.2. Investment-related transactions
II.A.2.1. With developing countries
II.A.2.1. With developing countries, of which: Joint ventures
II.A.2.1. Joint ventures, of which: - Loans
II.A.2.1. Joint ventures, of which: - Acquisition of equity
II.A.2.2. With residents (Support to national private investors)
II.A.3. Debt rescheduling
II.A.3.1. Non-concessional rescheduling
II.A.3.1.a. OOF claims (capitalised interest)
II.A.3.1.b. Private sector claims
II.A.3.2. OOF component of debt service reduction
II.A.4. Other bilateral securities and claims
II.A.4.1. Other acquisition of equity
II.A.4.2. Other claims and grants (includes developmental OOF loans)
II.A.5. Offsetting entry for debt relief
II.B. Transactions with Multilateral Agencies at Market Terms
II.B.1. Purchase of securities from issuing agencies
II.B.2. Other transactions
Memo: - Interest received on OOF, total (bilat.+multilat.)
Memo: - Interest received on OOF (Bilateral)
Memo: - Interest received on OOF (Multilateral)
Memo: - Offsetting entry for forgiven interest
III.A. Bilateral Private Flows
III.A.1. Direct investment
III.A.1. Direct investment, of which: New capital outflows
III.A.2. Other securities and claims
III.A.2.1. Total banks (long-term)
III.A.2.1.a. Bonds
III.A.2.1.b. Export credits
III.A.2.1.c. Other bank
III.A.2.2. Non-banks
III.A.2.2.a. Guaranteed export credits
III.A.2.2.b. Non-guaranteed portions of guaranteed export cred.
III.A.2.2.c. Bonds
III.A.2.2.d. Other securities (incl. equities)
III.A.3. Offsetting entry for debt relief
III.B. Multilateral Private Flows
IV.1. Gross outflow from private sources
IV.2. Support received from official sector

This would imply adding another code list ‘Detailed Aid Type’ which reference the current Aid Type code list. I think it is import to converge as much as possible to the OECD existing standards, and not diverge.

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